About Us

The Center for Biotechnology Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University is considered as the Regional Head Office of the North West Zone for all Biotechnology Centers in Nigeria by National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) Abuja.

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Our History

The Biotechnology Research Project of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria was initiated when a letter was sent to the Sole Administrators on 9th March, 1997 on the need for Biotechnology laboratory at Ahmadu Bello University signed by Jacob Kwaga on behalf of S. Ibrahim, U.S Abdullahi and David Ogwu.

The proposal was approved by the Sole Administrator on 11th March, 1997. Adversory committee on establishement of Biotechnology laboratary was constituted by Register vide letter ref. R/ORG/48 dated 16th October, 1998, consisting of 8 members and a secretary.

A central Bank of Nigeria's contribution to capacity building through the Nigerian University System, amounting to N25 million was recieved on 16th November, 1998, which was earmarked for development of the center.

Following submission of the committee's report, a forum on Biotechnology Research and Training of stakeholders was held on July 19, 1999. The purpose was to discuss the concept, priority areas for development, list of research equipment, etc. for proposed center.

A Project Coordinator, Technical Implementation Committee, and various working groups were appointed in October, 1999.

Our Past Administrators

Name Position From To
Prof Jacob K. Kwaga Coordinator 2000 2002
Prof. Andrew J. Nok Coordinator 2002 2004
Prof. A. A. Ahmed Coordinator 2004 2005
Dr. Sani Ibrahim Coordinator 2005 2007
Prof Jacob K. Kwaga Director 2007 2012
Prof Kabir Director 2012 to date

Our Mission

The center for Biotechnology Research and Training (CBRT), Ahmadu Bello University was established with the following objectives:

  1. Provide training facilities in modern biology techniques to postgraduates and postdoctoral level students.

  2. Conduct basic and applied research in the areas of medical, agricultural, pharmaceuticals and veterinary science.

  3. Provide molecular diagnostic facilities for Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospitals, Veterinary Teaching Hospitals, and other referral.

  4. Provide full complement of equipment and facilites for teaching and research in the areas of recombinant DNA technology, cell and tissue cells and immunology

  5. Enhance research capacity and academic laboratory.

Our Structure